Friday, November 28, 2008

This Blog Sucks, LOL!

Hey everyone,

First of all I hope everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving feast and enjoyed the Toaster’s first guest blog post yesterday. Today though, I would like to extend my interactive right to use chat speak. I just want to LOL!

LOL has evolved from its literal meaning of Laugh Out Loud to become a much more complex connotation. LOL itself is now a verb (I just LOLed!) The particular use I would like to discuss is my favorite. It is the ability of LOL to take an insanely insulting statement and make it perfectly appropriate to say right to someone’s face, or rather screen name. For some reason LOL has that magical power of making these insulting things almost seem as if they are said in good fun. Observe.

Anonymous: I am so tired, I have so much work to do, Wahh Wahh, Whine Whine boo hoo, annoy annoy, bother bother bother!

iToddShuffle22: Dude, STFU you are annoying as hell.

See there I look like a total jerk. Let’s replay that conversation with the use of LOL.

Anonymous: I am so tired, I have so much work to do, Wahh Wahh, Whine Whine boo hoo, annoy annoy, bother bother bother!

iToddShuffle22: Dude, STFU you are annoying as hell, lol!

See, I get my point across about him being annoying, but this time it is hard for him to get mad. I said LOL, I must be just playfully dissing him after all. I just find this as humorous how the use of LOL allows people to do this. It always works, try it on your friends. In fact you can compound this effect with a preceding OMG.

Anonymous: I am so tired, I have so much work to do, Wahh Wahh, Whine Whine boo hoo, annoy annoy, bother bother bother!

iToddShuffle22: OMG, Dude, STFU you are annoying as hell, lol!

I hope you all find this chat speak tip useful and get lots of frustration out as a result. Happy Black Friday



  1. OMG Todd you are such a fucking retard and this blog post sucked more balls than Jenna Jameson you Piccadilly Whore, lol

  2. OMG get a fucking life, lol.
    this is so true.
